Featured Piano Lessons

Empowering Musicians

Correct Spelling of the Intervals

Music Theory Lesson: Correct Spelling of Intervals Objective: To learn the principles of correctly spelling musical intervals, ensuring accuracy and clarity in musical notation. Introduction to Interval Spelling Definition: Spelling an interval involves identifying the correct letter names and accidentals (sharps, flats, naturals) for the two notes that form the interval. Principles of Correct Spelling

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Theory of Intervals

Music Theory Lesson: Intervals Objective: To delve into the concept of intervals in music, understanding their types, how they are measured, and their significance in harmony and melody. Introduction to Intervals Definition: An interval is the distance between two pitches. It can be as simple as two adjacent notes or as complex as notes several

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How to Practice Music Theory?

Music Theory Lesson: Effective Practice Strategies for Music Theory Objective: To provide guidance on how to practice music theory effectively, enhancing understanding and application in musical contexts. Introduction Importance of Practice: Practicing music theory is as crucial as practicing an instrument. It helps internalize concepts, making them second nature when performing or composing. Understanding the

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The Importance of Mastering the Intervals Before Diving Into Chords

Music Theory Lesson: Mastering Intervals Before Chords Objective: To emphasize the importance of understanding and mastering musical intervals as a fundamental step before delving into the study of chords. Introduction to Intervals Definition: An interval is the distance between two pitches. Intervals are the basic building blocks of chords and are essential for understanding harmony.

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Enharmonic Intervals

Music Theory Lesson: Understanding Enharmonic Intervals Objective: To explore the concept of enharmonic intervals, their identification, and significance in music theory and composition. Introduction to Enharmonic Intervals Definition: Enharmonic intervals are two intervals that sound the same but are spelled differently. They occur due to the enharmonic equivalence in notes (e.g., C# sounding the same

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Beat vs Rhythm

Music Theory Lesson: Beat vs Rhythm Objective: To distinguish between the concepts of beat and rhythm in music, understanding their roles and how they interact to create the structure and flow of music. Introduction Understanding the Terms: Beat: The steady pulse that underlies most pieces of music. Rhythm: The pattern of sounds and silences, which

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How to Spell Properly in Music

Music Theory Lesson: The Art of Spelling in Music Objective: To learn the principles of proper note and chord spelling in music theory, ensuring clarity and accuracy in musical notation. Introduction to Musical Spelling Definition: Musical spelling refers to the correct way of writing notes, chords, and intervals in music. This involves choosing the right

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Fixed-Do vs Movable-Do

Music Theory Lesson: Fixed-Do vs Movable-Do Objective: To understand the differences between Fixed-Do and Movable-Do solfege systems and their applications in music education and practice. Introduction to Solfege Systems Solfege Overview: Solfege is a method used to teach pitch and sight-singing in music. It assigns syllables to each note of a scale. The two main

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What Are Modes?

Music Theory Lesson: Exploring Musical Modes Objective: To understand the concept of modes in music, their characteristics, and their application in various musical contexts. Introduction to Musical Modes Definition: Modes are scales derived from the parent major scale, each starting on a different degree of that scale. They have unique tonal qualities and are used

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Diatonic vs Altered Tones

Music Theory Lesson: Diatonic vs Altered Tones Objective: To understand the distinction between diatonic and altered tones in music theory and their roles in musical composition and harmony. Introduction Understanding the Terms: Diatonic Tones: Notes that are native to a given scale or key: Altered Tones: Notes that have been raised or lowered from their

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Understanding Key Signatures

Music Theory Lesson: Understanding Key Signatures Objective: To explore the concept of key signatures in music, their purpose, and how they are used in musical notation and composition. Introduction to Key Signatures Definition: A key signature is a set of sharp (#) or flat (b) symbols placed at the beginning of a staff, indicating the

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The Pentatonic Scale

Music Theory Lesson: The Pentatonic Scale Objective: To explore the pentatonic scale, its structure, and its widespread use in various musical genres. Introduction to the Pentatonic Scale Definition: The pentatonic scale is a five-note scale that is widely used across many cultures and music genres. Its simplicity and melodic character make it popular in folk,

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The 3 Different Minor Scales

Music Theory Lesson: The Three Different Minor Scales Objective: To understand the characteristics and differences between the three types of minor scales: natural minor, harmonic minor, and melodic minor. Introduction to Minor Scales Overview: Minor scales are a type of diatonic scale with a darker, more somber tone compared to major scales. There are three

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Scale Degrees

Music Theory Lesson:  Understanding Scale Degrees Objective: To explore the concept of scale degrees, their significance, and how they are used in music theory and composition. Introduction to Scale Degrees Definition: Scale degrees are the individual notes of a scale relative to the tonic (the first note of the scale). Each degree has a specific

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The Major Scale

Music Theory Lesson:  The Major Scale Objective: To understand the structure, characteristics, and musical significance of the major scale in music theory. Introduction to the Major Scale Definition: The major scale is one of the most commonly used diatonic scales in Western music. It is known for its bright and happy sound:  Structure of the

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The Chromatic Scale

Music Theory Lesson:  The Chromatic Scale Objective: To understand the concept, structure and significance of the chromatic scale in music theory. Introduction to the Chromatic Scale Definition: The chromatic scale is a musical scale with twelve pitches, each a semitone (or half step) apart. Unlike major or minor scales, which have specific patterns of whole

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Knowing is not Enough, You Need to be Quick

Music Theory Lesson:  Beyond Knowing Tone Names – The Need for Speed Objective: To emphasize the importance of not only knowing the names of the tones but also being able to identify and use them quickly in practical music situations. Introduction –    Understanding the Concept: While knowing the names of tones is fundamental, it’s equally

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Tone Naming is the Starting Point

Music Theory Lesson: Tone Naming is the Starting Point Objective: To understand the importance and basics of tone naming in music theory, serving as a foundational skill for further musical learning and practice. Introduction to Tone Naming Definition: Tone naming involves identifying and naming the pitches in music. It is the process of assigning specific

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Do I Need to Know Musical Notation?

Musical notation is a system of writing music so that specific pitches and rhythms can be communicated. It includes symbols for notes, rests, dynamics, tempo, and other aspects of musical performance. Is Musical Notation Essential for All Musicians? 1. Varies by Genre: – In some genres, like rock, pop, or folk, musicians often learn by

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The Importance of Basic Theoretical Knowledge in Music

Music Theory Lesson:  The Importance of Basic Theoretical Knowledge in Music           The importance of basic theoretical knowledge in music cannot be overstated. It serves as the foundation upon which musicianship is built, regardless of genre or instrument. Here are some key reasons why basic theoretical knowledge is crucial in music: 1.

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What are Triads?

A Triad simply means Chord built of 3 tones. In this video we’re going to see all the Triads that exist within the scale.   Let’s see all the Triads that exist in Major fist. In C-Major on the 1st degree we have a Major Chord, it’s called the Tonic. On the second degree we have

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How To Invert Chords The Proper Way

As you remember from the lesson with the Chords, I mentioned that to be able to connect Chords properly they must be inverted. Before we learn about the other types of Chords, in this video I want to go into the details of Chord Inversions to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how to

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How To Use The Sustain Pedal

Now that we’ve started to play with Chord Progressions I think it’s time to understand the benefits of using the Sustain Pedal and put it in use. Using the sustain pedal is an essential technique for enhancing the sound and quality of your playing. Every modern Piano has 3 pedals and if you are a

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Chord Basics

A Chord is a combination of two or more intervals played simultaneously (playing) or in rapid succession (play).  Let’s see the most Basic Types of Chords first.  We have Major Chords: Perhaps the most fundamental chord type, major chords convey a sense of brightness and stability. They consist of three notes: the root, the major

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The Circle of Fifths

Today’s topic in our Piano Course is going to be The Circle of Fifths. The Circle of Fifths is an essential tool that illustrates the relationships between different key signatures. By understanding the Circle of Fifths, musicians can make more informed choices when composing, arranging, and analyzing music, making it an indispensable asset for any

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What Are Compound Intervals?

In the previous lesson I gave you a task to find all the diminished and augmented intervals in Major, Natural Minor, Harmonic Minor and Melodic Minor. So now here are your answers, you can also find this page in the video downloads section. Pay attention if you missed any interval, understand it and then move

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Consonant Vs Dissonant Intervals

Before we jump into the topic of chords we still have more to talk about the intervals. So far we have learned the fundamental intervals and we had a test for that, which you have passed with great results. Now i want to talk a little more about the cathegory of the intervals. Soundly they

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The Melodic Minor Scale

Besides the Natural and Harmonic Minor there’s also a third variant of the minor scale and that is Melodic Minor. The melodic minor scale is different in its ascending and descending forms. That means when we go up (playing it) we raise the sixth and the seventh degree by half steps. But then when we

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The Harmonic Minor Scale

So far we only worked with the natural minor scale. (Playing it) It’s called natural because it doesn’t contain any altered tones. Those are tones that don’t belong in the scale.  Besides the natural minor we have Harmonic Minor and Melodic minor. On this lesson we’re going to focus on the Harmonic Minor. (Playing it)

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Are You in Tune with Scale Degrees?

Ok, today’s topic of the Piano Course will be scale degrees. Scale degrees refer to the positions of individual notes within a musical scale. They are usually represented by roman numerals to indicate their relationship to the tonic, which is the starting note of the scale.  So let’s see how that looks like in the

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Preparation For An Interval Test

Now is the time for you to demonstrate your proficiency with intervals . Like I mentioned, i’m going to put your skills to the test and see how well you’re doing in the piano course.  So here’s how it goes. I’m going to play different intervals for you from different tones and after I play

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What Are Intervals?

  Interval is the crucial building block in music because every melody, every chord and every harmony is constructed of it. You can’t learn about chords if you don’t understand the intervals completely. An Interval refers to the distance of the pitch between two notes. How do we measure an interval? By the number of

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Why Transposition Matters?

  In the previous lesson I gave you a homework assignment to find the relative minor scales of all the major scales and to write the spellings of the tones of each scale. So here are your answers, you can also download this image below the video. Make sure to check yourself of any errors

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How To Construct A Minor Scale?

Every Minor scale is a part of some Major scale that shares the same black&white keys with it. In order to find the Minor scale of any Major scale we take the first tone of that Major scale and we count two scale tones down.  For example, let’s find the parallel minor scale of F

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How To Recall The Tones Quickly?

Now that we’ve learned the names of the tones it’s time for you to test yourself how quickly you know them. I will give you an exercise for this to practice for a while.  Here’s how it goes, don’t look at the keyboard and with one of your fingers play any tone. Then look at

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Major Scale Exercise

In the previous lesson i gave you an assignment to write down the tone names of some major scales. Now, i’m going to show you the correct answers and while i’m displaying the spreadsheet feel free to pause the video and check whether you got them right or wrong. If you have any errors make

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How To Construct Major Scale In Any Key?

 In the previous lesson we have mastered the names of the white keys and i gave you a test which you were supposed to pass. It is important to master the names of the white keys first because the black keys have the same names as the white keys only we add up the words

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What Are Scales?

A scale is a combination of 7 tones which repeat themselves in another octaves higher or lower. An octave simply means an interval (a space) between two tones with the same name.      So far, in our previous lessons we were using only the C major and A minor scales. The C major scale

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Even More Crossovers

  Ok, so we’ll start off by placing our right hand on the keyboard so that the thumb is resting on the middle C and we will place our left hand so that the pinky will be resting on the tone A this time, just so we can make the exercise more spicy, because playing

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More Finger Crossovers

First of all i will remind you again to curve your fingers while they are resting on the keyboard. I’m not asking you to play with curved fingers but only to keep them curved while they are not in use. Because…look at my hand(pokazuvas), this is what happens when you strike a key, you are

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How To Cross Your FIngers?

It’s the same way when we go descending. We’ll start with the pinky and when we get to the thumb we cross our middle finger over the thumb and we have enough fingers to finish the scale. This is how it looks like without stopping.  Now i will play it up and down. Notice how

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Where Should I Start?

So we’ll start off by placing our right hand on the keyboard with the fingers slightly curved like this, and we will be placing our hand on the keyboard so that every finger is resting on a particular white key, starting from the thumb on the tone C, all the way to the G with

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