What are Triads?

A Triad simply means Chord built of 3 tones. In this video we’re going to see all the Triads that exist within the scale.   Let’s see all the Triads that exist in Major fist. In C-Major on the 1st degree we have a Major Chord, it’s called the Tonic. On the second degree we have

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How To Invert Chords The Proper Way

As you remember from the lesson with the Chords, I mentioned that to be able to connect Chords properly they must be inverted. Before we learn about the other types of Chords, in this video I want to go into the details of Chord Inversions to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how to

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How To Use The Sustain Pedal

Now that we’ve started to play with Chord Progressions I think it’s time to understand the benefits of using the Sustain Pedal and put it in use. Using the sustain pedal is an essential technique for enhancing the sound and quality of your playing. Every modern Piano has 3 pedals and if you are a

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Chord Basics

A Chord is a combination of two or more intervals played simultaneously (playing) or in rapid succession (play).  Let’s see the most Basic Types of Chords first.  We have Major Chords: Perhaps the most fundamental chord type, major chords convey a sense of brightness and stability. They consist of three notes: the root, the major

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The Circle of Fifths

Today’s topic in our Piano Course is going to be The Circle of Fifths. The Circle of Fifths is an essential tool that illustrates the relationships between different key signatures. By understanding the Circle of Fifths, musicians can make more informed choices when composing, arranging, and analyzing music, making it an indispensable asset for any

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What Are Compound Intervals?

In the previous lesson I gave you a task to find all the diminished and augmented intervals in Major, Natural Minor, Harmonic Minor and Melodic Minor. So now here are your answers, you can also find this page in the video downloads section. Pay attention if you missed any interval, understand it and then move

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Consonant Vs Dissonant Intervals

Before we jump into the topic of chords we still have more to talk about the intervals. So far we have learned the fundamental intervals and we had a test for that, which you have passed with great results. Now i want to talk a little more about the cathegory of the intervals. Soundly they

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The Melodic Minor Scale

Besides the Natural and Harmonic Minor there’s also a third variant of the minor scale and that is Melodic Minor. The melodic minor scale is different in its ascending and descending forms. That means when we go up (playing it) we raise the sixth and the seventh degree by half steps. But then when we

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