Even More Crossovers


Ok, so we’ll start off by placing our right hand on the keyboard so that the thumb is resting on the middle C and we will place our left hand so that the pinky will be resting on the tone A this time, just so we can make the exercise more spicy, because playing the same tones with both hands sounds a little bit empty as opposed to playing different tones. We will implement the same rules as in the previous lesson, so it will look like this(Pocnuvas da sviris) on the right hand thumb over the middle finger, on the left hand middle finger over thumb . I will repeat again…right hand thumb over the middle finger, left hand middle finger over thumb . Now without interruption…

It’s the same only opposite procedure when we go descending…left hand thumb over middle finger, right hand middle finger over thumb. Now without interruption.

And now it’s time for the first exercise for this lesson——

Feel free to pause the video and try this exercise and after that i will continue with the lesson.

Now…what if we want to play even more than 8 tones with both hands? We’ll apply the same principles we did with each hand separately. (Pocnuvas da sviris) Right hand thumb over middle finger, left hand middle finger over thumb, right hand thumb over ring finger, left hand ring finger over thumb…Right hand thumb over middle finger, left hand middle finger over thumb, right hand thumb over ring finger, left hand ring finger over thumb…

Same principles when we go opposite…

And finally your second and last exercise for this lesson——

Ok, so these exercises are a bit tricky to play so feel free to take as much time as you need to master them and then, i’ll be seeing you on the next lesson.

Piano & Keyboards