The Importance of Mastering the Intervals Before Diving Into Chords

Music Theory Lesson: Mastering Intervals Before Chords

Objective: To emphasize the importance of understanding and mastering musical intervals as a fundamental step before delving into the study of chords.

Introduction to Intervals

Definition: An interval is the distance between two pitches. Intervals are the basic building blocks of chords and are essential for understanding harmony.

Why Master Intervals First

  1. Foundation of Chords:
    • Every chord is constructed from a series of intervals. Understanding intervals is crucial for identifying and constructing chords.
  2. Understanding Harmony:
    • Intervals are key to understanding harmonic relationships in music, which is essential for analyzing and creating chord progressions.
  3. Developing Ear Training:
    • Recognizing intervals by ear is a fundamental skill for musicians, aiding in everything from tuning instruments to playing by ear and improvisation.
  4. Melody and Counterpoint:
    • A solid grasp of intervals is important for composing melodies and understanding counterpoint, where the interaction of musical lines is based on intervallic relationships.

Types of Intervals

  • Simple and Compound Intervals:
    • Simple intervals are within an octave, while compound intervals exceed an octave.
  • Consonant and Dissonant Intervals:
    • Intervals are classified based on their sound and stability, with consonant intervals sounding more stable than dissonant ones.


  1. Interval Identification:
    • Practice identifying intervals both on paper and by ear.
  2. Interval Singing:
    • Sing intervals to internalize their sound and improve pitch recognition.
  3. Creating Intervals:
    • On your instrument, practice playing various intervals in different keys.


Mastering intervals is an essential step in becoming a proficient musician. A thorough understanding of intervals lays the groundwork for exploring more complex harmonic structures like chords and chord progressions, making it a crucial aspect of musical education.

This lesson focuses on the significance of mastering intervals before progressing to the study of chords. It includes practical exercises to enhance understanding and application of intervals in various musical aspects.

Music Theory