What Are Scales?

A scale is a combination of 7 tones which repeat themselves in another octaves higher or lower. An octave simply means an interval (a space) between two tones with the same name. 

    So far, in our previous lessons we were using only the C major and A minor scales. The C major scale is consisted of these tones: C, D, E, F, G, A and B, and then as you can see they repeat themselves again and again. Every major scale has a parallel minor scale which is constructed from the same tones from it’s major scale, only it starts from a different tone. To be able to find the parallel minor scale of any major scale you just count 2 steps lower from the first tone of the major scale. So in C major the first tone is C we count one…two…So the parallel minor scale of C major is A minor.

    The A minor scale is consisted of these tones: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and then they repeat themselves. Pretty easy right? 

So, these two scales are the easiest scales on the piano because they are constructed of only white keys. 

    Now, i want you to study this keyboard chart and memorize these 7 white key’s names (we’re only talking about the withe keys right now) and make sure you remember their locations on the keyboard. After you learn them i am going to test you to make sure you can recall them without looking in the chart. This is how the test will be. I’m going to highlight a particular key on the keyboard and you will have to tell me the name of that key. I will give you a few seconds to think about the answer and when the time is up i will tell you the answer so make sure you tell me the answer before i give it to you. If you got it wrong just pause the video and think about why you made the mistake, compare the wrong answer with the right, and then continue with the test. After you finish the test, play it again until you can pass it without any errors. 

So feel free to pause the video and learn this chart and then i will remove the chart and start with the test.

Ok, now i’m going to start with the test so get ready…

Congratulations, you’ve just passed the test.

Music Theory, Piano & Keyboards